1. You may give offerings to the church now by clicking on the “Give Online” button above. It takes you to the St. Mark’s secure giving page through Vanco.” The downloadable phone app (Vanco Mobile (Faith)) through Apple Store or Google Play) is also a very convenient way to give to the church. More and more people prefer electronic giving rather than checks and cash, especially our younger generations. Also, this provides a means of giving even while not in attendance at the church and provides an option for recurring giving.
For questions or assistance call our church office secretary or Click Here for How to Give Using Vanco Mobile Instructions.
2. Traditional offerings in offering plates during worship continues to be a primary act of giving of ourselves in our worship of the Lord. Envelopes are available in the pews.
3. By mail, checks may be made out to and sent to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 248, Cuero, TX 77954.
4. Donations and offerings also may be delivered to the church office during office hours.
• Worship services on Saturdays, Sundays, Special Holy Days, Wednesdays in Lent, Funerals, and Weddings.
• Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Youth Activities, Church Camp.
• Pastoral Care, Nursing Home Services, Food Pantry (CAMAL) and Assistance to those in need.
• Local Conference Ministries including Campus Ministry and Equipping the Saints.
• Mission and Ministry in North America and throughout the world through our Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA.
• Property and Facilities Upkeep, Renovations, Improvements, and Utilities.
• Endowment Giving so your gifts keep giving.
God has called us to be generous givers. Scripture teaches us that God has called every believer to give regularly, generously, cheerfully, and in proportion to what one has been given by God.
“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
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