In addition to baptismal preparation, First Communion instruction, Vacation Bible School, and Confirmation, youth are encouraged to participate in junior high and senior high youth gatherings, the ELCA National Youth Gathering, and church camps.
Efforts are made to involve children and youth of all ages in worship in ways that nurture their faith journey and spiritual development.
Life-Long Christian Education
Youth Sunday School includes per-kindergarten through 12th grades. Classes meet at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
Adult Sunday School meets year-round for Bible Study on Sundays at 10:15 a.m.
Topical Bible studies, new member classes, and baptismal instruction are offered.
Service and Outreach
St. Mark’s members are committed to sharing Christ’s love in a variety of ways, such as supporting the CAMAL House food pantry, Habitat for Humanity and Relay for Life [just to name a few!]; sponsoring Boy Scout Troop #245 for over 85 years; hosting Alcoholics Anonymous and other community groups/events; leading nursing home worship services; and creating prayer shawls and blankets for the homebound and for baptismal candidates.
Woman of ECLA
The women of St. Mark’s participate in the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA), meeting for Bible study and fellowship on second Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. after quilting, and on second Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. They gather health and school kits and create quilts for Lutheran World Relief that are sent to people in spiritual need throughout the world. They attend and have helped host gatherings of the Southwestern Texas Synodical Women’s Organization.
Men in Mission
St. Mark’s Men in Mission meets every third Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at St Mark’s Fellowship Hall, Cuero. All men are invited to meet for food, devotions, fellowship.
Men in Mission members continue to spearhead a home repair and wheelchair ramp building ministry, have led fire relief efforts after the Bastrop wildfires, and have cooked for a variety of congregational events.
Choir and Handbells
Choir and Hand Bell groups enhance worship services and special congregational/community events, and provide learning and fellowship for all ages.
God IS love.
God created and loves YOU and all creation!
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